Join us for Gather25, a live stream of followers of Jesus Christ worshiping together around the world – for one global gathering! From every continent, followers of Jesus will come together for a time of prayer and worship, sharing the good news that Jesus Christ offers our world. Technology has made it possible for us to be “connected live” across every time zone.
St. Paul’s Church will host a gathering for our community, and we would like to invite you to join us. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge for the event. We will be live streaming this event from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can drop in at a time that works for you or join us for the day. This promises to be an incredible and inspiring moment in our community. At a time when so many of us are struggling to find hope, this event will shine the light on the hope and possibilities that only Jesus Christ offers us.
We know you will be so glad you did.